The Morlocks Come Out in London

Over at City Journal, our perturbed doctor explains the chaos and disorder currently reigning in English cities by referencing the premise of H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine.

I confess that when I look at the people rioting, the youngish men, I feel almost as if they were of a different species from myself. They seem brutish, their faces bone and bristle. Their ugliness, however, is not biological or hereditary; it is an ugliness of soul, an antinomian ugliness.

Olympic Meddling

In last week’s Takimag column, Theodore Dalrymple continues his merciless critique of the shamelessly ‘woke’ and utterly disordered Summer Olympic Games in Paris.

But the desire not to offend, laudable as it is, cannot require people to twist their minds to accommodate obvious falsehoods and repeat them as if they were true.

A Kind Word for Stupid

In the August issue of New English Review, the good doctor recounts the murder of a radical leftist English academic (i.e., a typical Western useful idiot) in Cambodia at the hands of the mass-murdering communist regime of Pol Pot.

There can, I suppose, be few greater ironies than to be murdered by the regime which you have been defending of your own free will only an hour or two earlier.

Cultural Decay Can Hardly Go Further

Our distraught doctor scrutinizes the disgraceful, decadent, and degraded debacle that was the opening ceremony of the Paris Summer Olympics.

Apart from the generalized vulgarity of it, by comparison with which King Farouk had the taste of Lorenzo the Magnificent, the parody of the Last Supper by transvestites and others would have been more than enough to convince any Islamist that the West was a fruit ripe for the plucking, and many an ordinary Muslim that Islam, at least, should not, and probably could not, descend to this. Cultural decay can hardly go further.

Medaling With Paris

Our concerned doctor opines on the (mostly) deleterious effects of the Summer Olympics on the denizens of the French capital.

Most of the people to whom I have talked, both in Paris and elsewhere, regarded the Games beforehand with gloom and a sense of foreboding. They thought of them as the pet project imposed on the population by a self-promoting, not to say megalomaniac, political class.

A Crisis of Democratic Legitimacy

Over at Law & Liberty, our ‘democratic’ doctor weighs in on the crisis of political legitimacy in Britain and France in light of the recent elections held in the two countries. Coincidentally, just this morning I started re-reading a relatively unknown but highly thought-provoking and relevant book with the forceful title The End of Democracy, written by Christophe Buffin de Chosal.

No doubt there were many among the 40 percent who simply, or habitually, could not be bothered to cast their vote; but before the election, I heard many people who usually voted say that they would not vote this time because of their disenchantment with the political class as a whole (not that they have been exactly enchanted with it for a long time).

A Waste of Energy

In this week’s Takimag, the dubious doctor denounces the devastating and absurd radical green policies of the new British government while also admonishing the Swedes for slowly turning parts of their country into Third-World refugee camps and other parts into chaotic ganglands.

To use farmland in a very overcrowded country to erect thousands of unsightly windmills bespeaks a kind of Marxist hatred of the countryside, and of the rural idiocy to which Marx referred. Unsightliness is of no concern to environmentalists, who perceive notional emissions of carbon dioxide more vividly than what they see with their eyes.

It Always Surprises Me

In the June issue of The Salisbury Review, our quizzical doctor deplores the rise of obnoxious acts of self-exhibitionism and wanton vandalism on the part of radical greens.

The one thing that the fanatics do not concern themselves with is civilization. They have been taught to regard the very concept of civilization with irony, and as suspect, because (of course) the great achievements of the past were built in conditions of injustice, inequality and so forth. Thus, they are tainted by their origins, and therefore of no moral value.

Little Platoons of Monomaniacs

In last week’s Takimag, our troubled doctor compares former communist countries with our own liberal democratic societies and finds an uncomfortable level of similarities.

I do not think anyone in the West would have equated personal rectitude with adherence to a single ideological vision, but I think it quite common now. If you want to know whether a person is good or bad, ask what his opinions are. If they are correct, he is a good man; if they are wrong, he is a bad man.