Genocidal Imaginations

The concerned doctor comments on the repugnant and contemptible pro-Hamas celebrations that have taken place in London after the Islamic terror group’s mass murder of Israeli civilians.

The latest example of the attraction of mass genocidal cruelty, not merely to the perpetrators but to the hearts and minds of large numbers of people, is more than usually chilling. As ever, the barbarians are within the gates. France has just banned pro-Palestinian demonstrations on its soil, and Britain is likely to follow suit.

What’s in Store

In his weekly Takimag article, the good doctor recounts browsing in a bookstore at Charles de Gaulle Airport and seeing yet more signs of Western cultural decline all around him.

How easily I am irritated these days, or rather, how prepared I am to see the signs of degeneration, decline, and collapse! Having time to spare at the airport, I went to the bookstore. I suppose I should have been grateful that there still was one, so far has the book fallen in importance in the mental lives even of educated people.

How Unenlightened to Deny a Man his Very Own Womb

Back at Quadrant, the dissenting doctor derides two absurd proposals from the land of the free and the home of the brave. The higher they rise, the steeper they fall…

The freedom that many people now cherish above all is the freedom from the consequences of their own actions, while other people are only too eager to take on the role of guardian and protector of the weak and supposedly incapacitated—which is to say, a large proportion of the population.

‘Positive’ Discrimination’s Little Mentioned Obverse

Over at Quadrant, Dr. Dalrymple tears apart arguments in favor of ‘positive’ racial discrimination in response to yet another woke, leftist article that appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Medical journals these days have become megaphones for the wokest of opinions. Contrary ideas are expressed about as often as paeans of praise to capitalism were published in Pravda. It is this that gives the medical reader the impression that he is living in neo-totalitarian times.

Pound Foolish

Over at City Journal, the skeptical doctor writes about the dire financial situation that the city of Birmingham has found itself in to illustrate the increasing incompetence and corruption of the British public sector.

Nothing better illustrates the servitude of the British people to their government than the bankruptcy of the city of Birmingham. The city council has announced that it will be able from now on to provide only the most basic and urgent of services, which it had previously done with indifferent efficiency in any case.

Turkey, Eight Decades Later

Our erudite doctor picks up an old book on Turkey before his visit to the country and considers some of the incredible changes that it has gone through since the end of the Ottoman Empire.

Children don’t collect stamps any longer because such stamps will soon be as obsolete as horses and carts, and screens are more interesting to them. This is a great shame, I think, because the collection of stamps necessarily opened their minds to the existence of the world outside their own country, even if it did not lead to profound knowledge.

The Great Replacement and the Psychology of Denial

Theodore Dalrymple makes his triumphant return to The European Conservative (using his real name, Anthony Daniels) to kick off a series on that august platform dealing with the works of Renaud Camus centered around the Great Replacement theory and the civilizational consequences of mass migration into Europe and the West.

His most pungent idea is simple. It is that the original population of Europe, especially that of France, is being replaced by mass immigration from the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa, and that this replacement is not accidental or spontaneous but deliberate and planned—on both sides of the equation.

Faded Prestige

In last week’s Takimag column, the pessimistic doctor tries to view our decadent and degraded Western democracies through the eyes of a non-Westerner in light of two recent acts of debasement and mendacity.

Civilizations, it has often been said, do not collapse because of external enemies, but from internal decay. There is not a strict opposition between the two processes, however, for decay may make external enmity far more formidable than it might otherwise have been. And internal decay there certainly is.

Trying to Sleep

In the October issue of New English Review, the good doctor is back to recount his brief bouts with insomnia, the dangers of barbiturate sleeping pills, encountering pure cocaine in an African hospital, and lying awake during sleepless nights listening to the varied sounds of his house.

The story reminds me, however, of one told by Boris Cyrilnuk, a French psychiatrist, at the beginning of one of his books. One day a child who had hitherto been mute asked his parents to pass the salt. They asked him why he spoke only now, and not previously. “Until now,” he said, “everything has been perfect.”