Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Is Breivik insane? Dalrymple comments

After we commented to Dr. Dalrymple on the number of people describing the Norwegian mass murderer with phrases like “obviously insane”, we asked the doctor whether this was necessarily so, and received the following reply from him:
It is always hazardous to pronounce on the mental state of someone one had not met, and about whom one knows only a little and third-hand. But all the same, one is tempted… 
The first trap to avoid is to say person x did act y because [he] is or has z, and we know he is or has z because he did y. This is circular.
But there does seem to be evidence that Breivik was narcissistic, grandiose, paranoid, socially and sexually inept, and deeply resentful. This is a horrible mixture, though any explanation will always be incomplete and not pluck out the heart of his mystery.
I think it unlikely he is legally insane according to the M’Naghten rules that govern legal insanity in a lot of the English-speaking world. He knew the nature…[a]nd quality of his act and that [it] was (legally) wrong, to use the wording of the rules, and therefore would not be entitled to a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity.
Again, please note the disclaimer at the beginning of his statement.

Dalrymple Rejects “Eurabia” Thesis

Today it was revealed that the perpetrator of the Norwegian massacre quoted Dalrymple (and many other writers) multiple times in his 1,500-page manifesto. But Dalrymple in fact rejects the idea that Muslim immigration represents a threat to Europe, as he has written on several occassions. (Of course, it shouldn’t need to be said that people who do consider Muslim immigration a threat, such as Mark Steyn, not being psychopaths, in no way support mass murder as a proper response. But unfortunately it does need to be said, as some addle-minded commentators are already attempting to implicate such writers.)
But Dalrymple’s writings make it plain that he does not accept the “Eurabia” thesis:
“The Iranian refugees who have flooded into the West are fleeing Islam, not seeking to extend its dominion, as I know from speaking to many in my city.” (final paragraph, When Islam Breaks Down)
“The wildest fear is as follows: that the Moslem population of Europe is younger and much more fecund than the rest of the population, and that therefore, before very long, Europe will become Islamized or Islamic by sheer weight of numbers.
“…[But] there is reason to believe that the proportion of Moslems in the population will stabilize, at a higher proportion than now no doubt, but still at minority levels. Demographic change is not the threat to the survival of Europe that it is sometimes claimed to be.” [The New Vichy Syndrome, p. 19]
“There is another consideration that should give pause to those who see Islamization…as the fundamental threat to the continuation of Europe as a civilization: the assumption that the experience of migration to, and subsequent life in, Europe does nothing to change the Moslems themselves, and that, in fact, their religious affiliation is of such overwhelming importance to them that nothing else goes into forming and maintaining their identity. This, I think, is far too crude and pessimistic a view…
“[In response to] the question of whether religion is always and everywhere the organizing principle of Moslems’ sense of identity: that is to say, once you are a Moslem, nothing else counts for you, at least not much. The answer to this question is no.” [TNVS, p. 21-22]
“Westernization is in fact far advanced among Moslems in Europe, as elsewhere.” [TNVS, p. 23]
So Dalrymple disagrees with the idea that Muslims will overtake native Europeans in numbers, or that European Muslims as a whole are extremist or violent to any substantial degree.
None of the Dalrymple quotes in the manifesto suggest that Dalrymple does believe these things. In fact, only one of the quotes has anything to do with Islam at all. The others are statements on Western self-destructiveness and cultural decay. It is unclear how these latter thoughts in any way played into the murderer’s view of an Islamic threat to Europe (and I am not going to read the manifesto in an attempt to find out), but these statements are obviously very far afield of any belief in a Muslim threat or a support for violence. Which, again, should be obvious.
UPDATE: As pointed out in the comments to this post, it turns out that the murderer did not directly quote Dalrymple, but rather included entire essays from a blogger who was quoting Dalrymple. (h/t Gavin O.)

Bart De Wever Presents Dalrymple the 2011 Freedom Prize

MEP Daniel Hannan reports on his blog in the Telegraph that Dalrymple was awarded the 2011 Freedom Prize on Tuesday by the Flemish think tank Libera!. Bart De Wever, chairman of the Belgian political party N-VA, who Hannan calls “the winner of the most recent Belgian election, and easily the most popular politician in the country”, presented Dalrymple the award.

Flemish N-VA Party Chairman Bart De Wever (left) and Theodore Dalrymple

Most of the news stories on the event are in Dutch, and Google’s translations aren’t always easy to decipher, though some make for fun reading. Google translates this one in the Gazet van Antwerpen as “House ideologue N-falls sharply against diaper culture”. The story appears to say something close to this: “Dalrymple has become a bit like the house ideologist of De Wever’s party”. De Standaard calls him De Wever’s “ideological mentor”.

Libera! President Christophe Van der Cruysse noted that winners of the prize typically come from the Netherlands and Belgium, and appears (if Google can be trusted) to have called Dalrymple “a much needed voice in the Dutch public debate.”

The Libera! website purportedly says the prize “reflects special merit in the fight for freedom in our region” and that Dalrymple, unfortunately, currently has no Dutch counterpart.

From Hannan’s piece, entitled “In praise of Flanders, Right-wing intellectuals and Theodore Dalrymple“:

…it’s wonderful to see Theodore Dalrymple getting the recognition he deserves. His books sell massively in Flanders and the Netherlands. He is a well-known figure, too, in American conservative circles; but he hath no honour in his own country.

Why not? Largely because there is little space in British public life for Right-wing intellectuals. You can be a conservative commentator if you have a populist bent. There will always, I’m happy to say, be slots for the Kelvin MacKenzies, the Richard Littlejohns, the Jeremy Clarksons. But Theodore Dalrymple writes about Koestler’s essays and Ethiopian religious art and Nietzschean eternal recurrence – subjects which, in Britain, are generally reserved for the reliably Left-of-Centre figures who appear on Start the Week and Newsnight Review. It is Theodore’s misfortune to occupy a place beyond the mental co-ordinates of most commissioning editors.

John Cleese on English Societal Change

Ed Driscoll at Pajamas Media blogs an Ed West piece that seems to validate some of Dalrymple’s arguments about the direction of English society. The apparent validation comes from comedian John Cleese, a Lib Dem supporter who recently said, “There were disadvantages to the old culture, it was a bit stuffy and it was more sexist and more racist. But it was an educated and middle-class culture. Now it’s a yob culture. The values are so strange.” Cleese explains his decision to move from London to Bath thusly: “London is no longer an English city, which is why I love Bath….it feels like the England that I grew up in.”

Driscoll writes:

John Cleese morphed into Theodore Dalrymple so slowly, I hardly even noticed.

But what did he expect? (Cleese of course. Dalrymple saw this coming ages ago.) …Monty Python was a weekly assault on the values of post-war England. And England’s societal bedrock of wisdom and knowledge proved in retrospect, to be surprisingly fragile…Of course, you shouldn’t be all that surprised if change for its own sake doesn’t go quite as planned.

Dalrymple featured on PovertyCure

Dalrymple has been featured on the website of PovertyCure, an international, Judeo-Christian-based organizational network that calls for rethinking the battle against poverty. There is a brief bio, quotes from some of his essays and books, a printed interview and a brief video of him. Worth a look. I particularly like this statement:

“We’ve got everything exactly the wrong way around really. We give them money for doing nothing and prevent them from selling anything to us.”

A Man of Letters: Denis Dutton, R.I.P.

Many of you probably know that Denis Dutton passed away two days ago. Dutton founded the spectacular website Arts and Letters Daily, wrote the much-lauded book The Art Instinct, and edited the journal Philosophy and Literature, where he provided common-sense intellectuals with much mirth by launching the Bad Writing Contest. He also once wrote: “The brutal, penetrating honesty of his thinking and the vividness of his prose make Dalrymple the Orwell of our time.”

Now, Dalrymple returns the praise on the City Journal website:

…to know him was immediately to form a strong and lasting affection for him. Dutton had a profound and beneficial effect on political and cultural debate in the entire English-speaking world.

…A man, however, is not to be measured wholly by the quality of his achievements. I wish only that I were able to turn as fine a compliment of Denis Dutton as Doctor Johnson turned of Sir Joshua Reynolds: that he was the most invulnerable man that he knew, for if he should quarrel with him, he should find the most difficulty how to abuse him. Denis Dutton was of that ilk.

Dalrymple’s Book of the Year

If you like Dalrymple’s work, you might be interested to hear what was his own favorite book of 2010. In the Globe and Mail, he participates in a symposium on this topic, and offers the following:

It’s Mao’s Great Famine (Bloomsbury), by Frank Dikotter. As subject matter for books, historical events that cause 45 million deaths tend to put others rather in the shade. Mao’s Great Leap Forward was such an event. Dikotter weaves together the high politics and individual suffering of these terrible years. Mao emerges as every bit the equal of Lenin and Hitler in his indifference to the deaths of millions. A party that claims apostolic succession to Mao has much to fear from the study of history.


Solidarity Forever

In City Journal, both satire and prophecy on the rioting of French students.

[The crowd] was racially very mixed, at least if the photographs published in the newspapers were anything to go by (which, of course, they might not be). Furthermore, again for the first time, members of the female gender participated fully and—according to reports—just as violently as the males.

There’s progress for you, and on two fronts—race and gender—simultaneously!…Now all that’s needed is that the transsexuals should join in.

Someone somewhere is making these arguments in all seriousness.

h/t Dominic R.

Blogger calls Dalrymple evil, journalists endorse

As some of you know, New Statesman columnist Laurie Penny tweeted the following on November 5th:

“Sharing a copy of The Spectator w some hoodie-wearing yoofs on the bus. After some discussion, we all agree that Theodore Dalrymple is evil.”

Note the moral authority the adult writer ascribes to some slovenly-dressed kids and the pathetic attempt to garner “street credibility” by deliberately misspelling the word “youth” in slum fashion (exactly the “downward cultural aspiration” of which Dalrymple has written).

The message was re-tweeted by Guardian contributor Dan Hind and New Statesman legal correspondent David Allen Green.

Hind’s retweet drew a sharp rebuke in the Telegraph from Katharine Birbalsingh, the teacher sacked last month for criticizing the British educational system at the Conservative Party conference. Calling Hind a friend, she pointed out that Dalrymple “spent many years working with the poorest of the poor as a psychiatrist in British prisons” (though in fact this greatly understates his decades of work among the poorin AfricaEngland and elsewhere). She added, “Theodore Dalrymple helped the poor every day of his working life, but I’m not sure whether my friend can say the same for himself. Does working for big publishing houses and attending champagne parties equal working in the squalor of British prisons day in, day out?”.

(Birbalsingh did not name Hind directly, but it is clear that she was referring to him. She tweeted on November 8th that “Dan says Theodore Dalrymple is evil and it has made me so angry I have written a blog”. Hind is the only Dan she was following on Twitter. Other publicly-available communication between the two on this matter explicitly confirms this.)

It’s no surprise that these particular writers strongly disagree with Dalrymple. The New Statesman is an avowedly radical leftist magazine. Hind has no idea who committed the 9/11 attacks. Penny, a self-described deviant socialist reprobate, “incensed with rage” and seemingly at war with the world, is the author of such measured and reasonable statements as “the Tories have just imposed a Final Solution on the urban poor.” She tweeted the following from Wednesday’s protest-turned-riot at Conservative Party headquarters at Millbank Tower:

“Right outside millbank tower. Windows smashing. Smoke bombs going off. Anarchy in the UK!”

“This is simultaneously terrifying and the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

“This is the violence of the disposessed. They are not a minority. They are young and scared and angry. Listen before condemning.”

“No I don’t like violence. But this is what happens when govt decides it can override the people. It’s tragic, yes.”

“there was violence on both sides. I’m not condoning or condemning it. It’s just sad that it’s come to this.”

Got that? Sufficiently outraged to shout “evil” at someone like Dalrymple, but strictly non-judgemental about riots and terrorist attacks. One would think this lunacy would prevent Penny, Green and Hind from being taken seriously. In fact, Penny is on the short list for an Orwell Prize for blogging, Green is a judge for it, and Hind spoke last week at the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA). So in the end, the whole affair merely confirms Dalrymple’s warnings about the modern intellectual establishment.