Category Archives: Essays

Something Rotten in the State of the Whole Western World

In the July edition of New English Review, our concerned doctor dissects the current sad state of (Western) Europe, with particular focus on the disastrous Swedish experiment of importing unassimilable, backward migrants en masse.

But I think that there was more to it than mere grandiosity, something deeper and more general in Europe as a whole, at least among what might be called the intellectual classes: namely a loss of the right of Europe to exist as a civilisation except as an object of criticism, reprehension and even hatred, the reasons for which loss are no doubt multiple and impossible to designate with absolute certainty.

The Mind of Macron

In this week’s Takimag, the good doctor gets inside the mind of the French president in order to understand his decision to dissolve the National Assembly following his technocratic party’s disastrous showing in the European Parliament elections.

Fear of finding something worse is what keeps a lot of politicians in power in representative democracies; and M. Macron, nanny to the nation, might hope that the French people realize in time that there are far worse people than he in the political menagerie.

Watch Out, Alcoholics and Mrs T.

Back at The Oldie, Prof. Dalrymple explains the symptoms of and possible remedies for Dupuytren’s contracture, which is a thickening of tissues in the palm of the hand. How fascinating, Doctor…

This illustrates a general point: that it may be necessary to wait for some time before differences in the results of treatments manifest themselves. Immediate results may be deceptive.

It’s a Crime

Over at Takimag, our disillusioned doctor reflects on a book about the deteriorating public safety in Britain and the accompanying apathy from the British police and criminal justice system.

Nothing succeeds like failure. Whether it be in education, social security, health care, infrastructure, border control, armed forces, etc., the whole apparatus now touches nothing that it does not cause to decay. No wonder that disenchantment is widespread and that people, no doubt naively, turn to alternatives.

Remains to Be Seen

In last week’s Takimag, Dr. Dalrymple considers the way that human remains are treated and what that says about people and cultures.

To see a body dragged through the streets, often with a rejoicing crowd in attendance, is peculiarly shocking. We do not expect those who behave in this way to show much respect for the living.

Prophetic Warnings

In the June issue of The Critic, our critical doctor calls out The Economist for the incorrect use of the word “prophetic” in a headline related to a Macron prediction.

The problem with the term “prophetic warning” is that the content of the warning is thereby taken as established fact. If it is established fact, then one must act upon it as if it were such a fact. This might have dangerous consequences.

Labour’s Century

In the spring edition of City Journal, our skeptical doctor recaps—in broad strokes—the rise and ultimate demise of the British Labour Party over the course of the past century.

One hundred years on, all that remains of the Labour Party’s social purpose are occasional outbursts of rhetoric, dishonest and insincere, unlike that of MacDonald, Wheatley, Snowden, et al. The object is not to improve anybody’s life chances but to improve the life of chancers—British English for opportunists who are always looking for dubious schemes to advance their interests or feather their nests.

A Tangled Web

In last week’s Takimag column, our film critic doctor recounts watching an awful arachnid-inspired movie, which reminds him of the only other time he encountered something similar—in Bolivia in 1982.

I confess that I myself don’t like spiders much: They give me the creeps. Oddly enough, I love insects but not arachnids. I can watch insects for hours. I have a basic rule, which I have adopted and adapted from Animal Farm: six legs good, eight legs bad.

The Root Cause of Crime

In his Takimag column, the just doctor pens another excellent essay on the neverending quest of modern liberals to decriminalize criminality.

One cannot think of oneself in a deterministic fashion, only of others, and this is illogical, unless one believes oneself uniquely in the universe to be possessed of free will—not a modest philosophical position to take.