Category Archives: Essays

A Mob Pulls Down a Statue and a Jury Threatens the Law

Over at The Epoch Times, our reasonable doctor stands up for order and the rule of law in the face of more BLM acts of vandalism and destruction—this time in Bristol, England.

The verdict in a court of law had undermined or was in complete contradiction to the concept of the rule of law or even of the need for law at all. If citizens could carry out acts of revenge with impunity in the name of justice, what need would there be for such cumbersome procedures as trials?

Learned Stupidity

In his weekly Takimag column, the skeptical doctor assails the idiotically green ideologues in western European countries, beginning with the German government’s absurd decision to close down all nuclear power plants in the country.

There are those who see behind the closure a sinister Russian plot, Mrs. Merkel—they say—having long been a Russian agent (she grew up in the German Democratic Republic, was a prominent member of the communist youth movement, and learned fluent Russian). The less power Germany generates for itself, the more dependent it becomes on Russia. But this hypothesis is redundant: All that was required for such a decision to have been made was a homegrown militantly self-righteous movement of spoiled brats who have never known hardship, irrespective of the recent history of their country.

This Christmas

In his second January New English Review essay, our nostalgic doctor thinks back to his visit to Romania toward the end of the vicious, communist regime of Comrade Ceausescu in 1989.

There is still some discussion as to whether his overthrow was a revolution or a coup d’état. Actually, the two theories are not completely incompatible: even if the outbreak of protest in Romania was planned by prominent members of the regime at a time when communism was crumbling elsewhere, hoping thereby to preserve the regime’s fundamental nature and thus the privileges of its nomenklatura, the coup, if that is what it is, ushered in changes that proved revolutionary in effect and scope.


Dr. Dalrymple starts off the new year with two essays in New English Review, with the first one concerning two of his more memorable hospital visits, famous novels set in hospitals, and hospital poetry.

In my day, patients routinely stayed ten days or two weeks after such an operation; they resumed life gingerly, as if their operative wound were always in danger of coming apart, and generally felt pretty gruesome for quite a time afterwards.

Nowadays, by contrast, a stay of two days in hospital is exceptional, and patients are ushered out of the hospital doors as soon as they will not die if sent home.

The Tender Age

Last week’s Takimag column has our aging doctor recount for us what a literal pain it can be getting old. Our best wishes go out to Theodore Dalrymple for 2022 and beyond.

Until recently, I thought myself all but immune from the travails of age; like death itself, I believed that aging applied to others, not to myself, and was almost a sign or consequence of personal defect. But now the prospect of a severely limited life is very real to me: I have taken what the French call un coup de vieux, a blow of old age, such as I have sometimes noticed, with disapproval amounting almost to a moral judgment, in others.

Chicago’s Mayor Celebrates Kwanzaa While City Suffers Violence

In his last Epoch Times column of 2021, our favorite doctor mocks the current leftist, racialist demagogue pretending to run America’s third largest city, as she pointlessly expounds on a wholly fabricated holiday—which owes many of its bogus principles to Joseph Nyerere, the communist who ran Tanzania into the ground.

A subscription is required to read this article. However, as noted in prior posts, the entire article can be read here for free.

Lightfoot’s use of Kwanzaa and its supposed seven principles deriving from African culture is purely demagogic, a tool of political entrepreneurism and rent-seeking—a tool that she’s using while ignoring problems such as the drive-by shootings that are her responsibility to solve.

The Fall of Dr. Raoult

The good doctor returns to First Things with an essay on the demise of Dr. Didier Raoult, the (in)famous French microbiologist who falsely claimed hydroxychloroquine as a valid treatment for Covid-19.

A man who, whatever his faults, had deserved well of his fellow creatures, who contributed more than most to the reduction of the concrete suffering of mankind, will now be remembered not for the good he did nor for the enlightenment he brought, but for a kind of charlatanry, without his ever truly having been a charlatan. He is a man destroyed by the dialectical relationship of ego to mankind’s willingness to invest gurus with all but ­supernatural powers.

Maoist Thought in Medical School

The title says it all for Theodore Dalrymple’s Epoch Times column slamming an atrocious, anti-white, maoist article that was somehow allowed to be published in the official publication of the Association of American Medical Colleges.

On a more optimistic note, we would like to extend all of our readers our best wishes for a peaceful, healthy, and happy New Year.

By accident of birth, we are racist (if we are white), no matter what we do or whatever position we occupy; by accident of birth we are victims of racism (if we are non-white) whatever we do or whatever position we occupy. So change is both necessary and impossible, a perfect recipe for permanent political agitation, guilt on the part of whites and resentment on the part of non-whites.

J.K. Rowling Benefits Us by Pointing Out Absurdity; Efforts Made to Silence Her

The dissenting doctor gives yet another example of the absurd and disordered times we are currently living through by highlighting the relentless attacks by the radical gender ideologues on J.K. Rowling.

It might be said that Rowling did not have to comment on the absurdity of the new Scottish legal dispensation, for everyone has the freedom to remain silent (a freedom, alas, too often disregarded), and therefore that, in a sense, she brought the nastiness towards her on herself, since it was entirely predictable. But if a powerful and privileged person such as she refrains from comment through fear of the response, the totalitarians among us, who are many, have won.