Category Archives: Essays

The Will to Outrage

In his latest Takimag piece, our impassioned doctor comments on more feigned outrage from the left-liberal media following an awkward Donald Trump remark about the attractiveness of the junior senator from Alabama.

The will to outrage is also the will to power; and the ultimate power is that of forcing people to believe, or to pretend to believe, what is patently untrue, for example that all women are beautiful, on pain of excommunication or worse.

Ingsoc in Embryo

Over at Law & Liberty, our feisty doctor challenges the generally accepted wisdom of economic journalists, who are usually far wide of the mark when it comes to sound reasoning, not to mention their poor predictions.

Or perhaps the moral is that one should beware of articles written by economic journalists, for whom no level of savings, investment, spending, or of anything else, is ever the right one.

“Bold Vision”

In the October issue of The Critic, the critical doctor takes issue with a seemingly innocuous statement from the chairman of the organizing committee for the Paris Olympic Games.

An action or choice can perfectly well be bold without being good. It can be bold and stupid, or bold and vicious, or bold and cruel, or bold and any number of horrible things. Boldness is not a good in itself.

An Answer to Inequity

In his weekly Takimag column, our miffed doctor satirizes various preposterous, perverted, and pernicious woke positions, which have tragically spread far and wide in the Western world.

But in this vale of tears, it seems, going straight to the heart of the matter is both unwelcome and unimportant. The mouthing of sentiments without examination of their presuppositions, their implications, their corollaries, and their consequences is all that is necessary to obtain a reputation for wisdom and goodness.

Repression Britannia

Over at City Journal, the skeptical doctor begins to consider the validity of the notion of liberal fascism, following numerous cases of British police arresting anti-Hamas protestors and people praying silently near abortion clinics.

On the other hand, tens of thousands of people are permitted to demonstrate time and time again, to the great inconvenience of the rest of the public, in effect supporting the mass murder of 1,200 Israelis by a terrorist organization and calling for the deaths of millions of others. This has become a “liberal” cause and is therefore protected.

Playing Dumb

In his latest Takimag piece, the good doctor reflects on the topic of human stupidity after reading an interesting French book on the subject.

Stupidity is like measles in the old days: Everyone has to go through it. But there is no possible immunization against stupidity. If anything, its prevalence seems to have risen with tertiary education and yet further with the so-called social media. Artificial intelligence will boost it to new heights, or depths.

What Are We Doing to Children?

In the summer edition of City Journal, Dr. Dalrymple raises some common sense concerns over the attempted normalization of the mental disorder known as gender dysphoria over the past decade in many Western countries. Of course, common sense is not so common in this day and age.

The entire phenomenon over the last decade or so should lead us to two large questions: Have we gone mad? And what, as a society, are we doing to children?

Feeling Listless

In last week´s Takimag column, our favorite doctor ruminates on the consequences of yet another ridiculously politically correct Guardian headline, this time related to the prestigious Booker Prize.

To celebrate the preponderance of one demographic group or another in some area of achievement is a mark of identitarian politics, the kind of politics that is destructive and enfeebling. I would rather say that the judges were to be congratulated on choosing the six best books—if they succeeded in doing so—than that their choice was to be celebrated.