The Spanish Guide to the Siesta

Professor Dalrymple provides his faithful readers with a comprehensive guide to the post-lunch nap (i.e., siesta) in his Oldie article.

I have found by experience that, from the point of view of mental acuity, a short sleep, even for a minute or two, is as good as – or better than – a longer one.

One thought on “The Spanish Guide to the Siesta

  1. Iwona

    Dear Dr. Dalrymple (not regarding siestas but cat-napping on night shift breaks).
    From my experience under 30min. nap during break on a night shift is essential to this working pattern, as well as over one hour ‘siesta’ before a shift. I am non-smoker, with normal body weight and low BP. Another key is swimming regularly:) Thank you for your insightful article. Regards, Iwona.


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