On the website of the Library of Law and Liberty Dalrymple parses the arguments for and against assisted suicide:
There are many subjects on which decent people may disagree and some subjects on which a person may not entirely agree with himself, in so far as he can see both sides of an argument at the same time (assuming there to be only two sides, when often there are more).
One such subject is that of assisted suicide and euthanasia. I can easily conceive of circumstances in which I should want it for myself, and circumstances in which it would be the kindest thing for others. And yet, at the same time, I can see the objections to it.
Dear Tony,
Have you ever read the key book : Karl Binding & Alfred Hoche ‘Die Freigabe der Vernichtung lebensunwerten Lebens. Ih mass un ihre Form.’ Leipzig, Felix Meiner Verlag, 1920.
A book thta had influence.
English and French trans. appeared a few years back.