I’m sure a couple of our recurring commenters will have something to say about this column on “verbal inflation”, resulting from Dalrymple’s being told to “Have a nice day”.
I’m sure a couple of our recurring commenters will have something to say about this column on “verbal inflation”, resulting from Dalrymple’s being told to “Have a nice day”.
Yes well, believe it or not, I think I may have, for the time being, already talked the hind, and fore, legs off of this donkey.
unless, that is, some bastard should happen to disagree, in which case I’ll quite happily ruin their day.
Actually I take that back, I kind of thought it was funny, but others may not see it that way and think it offensive and that I’m being a smart a*rse etc I’ll try to be more disciplined or not say anything at all, yeah “hallelujah”, have a nice day.
🙂 Yes, it was kind of funny.
Incidentally, I had never heard that phrase until now.
You’re too kind Clinton… don’t encourage me. Whilst I’m very familiar with the phrase I don’t know its origins, I’m sure I could just google it (like a million other trivia’s) but that might spoil it.