A recent study discussed in the New England Journal of Medicine seems to answer this question, but Dalrymple says it’s not that simple.
A recent study discussed in the New England Journal of Medicine seems to answer this question, but Dalrymple says it’s not that simple.
I appreciate this article very much–nothing is relatively simple- diabetes and many other medical problems are often complex and intricate in nature, and involve many different variables and factors. Some may say this is ” old school ” thinking, but it remains relevant.
All forms of diabetes have been treatable since insulin became available in 1921, and type 2 diabetes may be controlled with medications. Insulin and some oral medications can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugars), which can be dangerous if severe. Both types 1 and 2 are chronic conditions that cannot be cured. Pancreas transplants have been tried with limited success in type 1 DM; gastric bypass surgery has been successful in many with morbid obesity and type 2 DM. Gestational diabetes usually resolves after delivery.:’
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